Who is Jerónimo?

Learn more about this beautiful project, and the story of how Jerónimo and his travels were born.

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Learn more about Jerónimo around the world

Jerónimo around the world came about as an idea when I remembered the trips I started taking a few years ago as a backpacker and that I still take from time to time. I started my first trip when my nephew Jerónimo was born and now that he is a big boy I can’t wait for his vacation to go on a trip with him and teach him everything I learned.

Combining my two great passions, traveling and writing, and my beloved nephew as the protagonist, Jerónimo’s stories around the world travel through what my mind and my travel diaries can remember. You will be surprised to find a literary world behind each written letter, an artistic world in each illustration and the entire world as a stage.

These letters are also intended as educational material. Traveling not only allows you to discover landscapes and people, but also complex and interesting concepts; such as geographies, climates, cultures, languages ​​and histories that perhaps you had no idea about. And what better way to tell these stories, and educate about these topics than with our Spanish language, rich, versatile and beautiful to read and listen to. These letters are very complete material for those who also want to deepen their learning of Spanish.

Behind Jerónimo, we are a team of three. Alejandro, the genius behind the images and graphics; With his colors and brushes he recreates my memories. Óscar, the wisdom behind the perfection of written Spanish, who with his criticisms and corrections shapes Jerónimo’s stories to be understood by the Spanish-speaking universe; and I, Mauro, who have the pleasure of traveling, exploring and writing, imagining that I do it hand in hand with my dear nephew.